Monday, November 19, 2012

A scary anti progress and anti civilization beast

Since September 11, 2001 and increasingly in the last couple of years a new scary, anti-progress and anti-civilization beast have appeared in the world in general and more specifically in the arabic speaking part. It is the Wahhabi/Muslim-Brotherhood/Salafi/3ar3ouri beast.

The questions that have to be asked are:

  • Is this a naturally occurring phenomenon or is it a designer beast 
  • Are the dangers of this beast limited to the muslim and arabic speaking world or does it's danger extends to other parts of the world like to russia, china, and the western world. 
  • What does what is happening in syria, as far as the sudden appearance of all those home grown (other than the foreign jihadis) Wahhabis indicate to other parts of the world? i.e. could Saudi Arabia and Qatar be financing Wahhabi mosques and groups in other parts of the world?  in the western world?
  • How to neutralize and ultimately terminate this anti civilization beast
  • Would this beast be able to survive without petro-dollars
  • Can terminating this beast be done without deconstructing Islam and having current day practicing and believing muslims evolve beyond that religion

Thursday, October 11, 2012

What is Tajheel?

Tajheel is an arabic word that means 'to make somebody not know' ... it seems to summarize what is happening in the arabic speaking world these days...
So, what is Tajheel?
  • The spreading of salafi wahhabi islam through the use of petro-dollars is a form of Tajheel
  • The use of sectarianism as a political tool is a form of Tajheel
  • The destroying of old monuments and shrines in mali, libya, and previously the destruction of the buddha statues in afghanistan..  is a form of Tajheel
  • The repression of women in countries like the Wahhabi entity of Saudi Arabia is a form of Tajheel
  • The purposeful keeping of people in countries like the Wahhabi Saudi entity poor and uneducated  even though the country is extremely rich is a form of Tajheel ...
Tajheel makes ruling people extremely easy...
Tajheel + Petro-Dollar + Petro-Dollar controlled and financed media ... is a deadly anti progress & anti civilization combination

Monday, August 20, 2012

Something dreadfully wrong with tying America to the Al-Saud Wahhabi entity

Robin Wright in an article in the New York Times tells the truth to power about the necessity for the west to move beyond Saudi Arabia, and stop the flow of petro dollars to this Wahhabi entity.

In an interview on RT Kareem Bakradouni, a Lebanese politician said that Rafik Hariri (of Saudi Arabia) bribed the french president Jaques Chirac to change France's foreign policy ... which makes you wonder if there was any (petro dollars) bribing to other western leaders in order to take policies that are favorable to this Wahhabi entity, but are not in the best interests of their respective countries in the mid to long term ... Bribing can be done directly or indirectly. Indirect bribing could be inviting somebody to the Al-Saud entity and giving them a gift, ..., or maybe contributing to an organization that a politician leads, ... .
The fact is that the spread of petro-dollar financed Wahhabism is a huge danger to the middle east in the short to mid term, and the world in general in the longer term

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Addiyar newspaper: Why (Saida, Lebanon) Wahhabi preacher Al-Assir is dangerous

From Addiyar Lebanese newspaper:
Why Wahhabi Preacher Al-Assir in Saida is dangerous:
He has 5 people that make up the building blocks of his movement and that are considered extremely dangerous including 3 that fought in Anbar Iraq and were leaders of suicide bombing squads.

Same Actor ...(Far3 El Ma3loumat ?)

Many events that happened in the last few months in lebanon have major similarities, which can potentially indicate that the actor behind them all is one and the same.
  • When the 11 lebanese pilgrims were kidnapped:
    • there was many sheiks coming out of Tripoli, and some speaking out of Saudi Arabia, came out on tv to give contradictory statements, and that eventually turned out to all be false, the stations that promoted and invited those sheiks were MTV, LBC, and Aljadeed
    • There was initially the trick where the Turks and Saad Hariri said that those poor pilgrims will be released, and that the Cocaine addict (according to Wikileaks), Mr. Saad Hariri sent his plane to get those pilgrims from Turkey, ... all of this turned to be false, with prior intent...
    • All indications are that those pilgrims were expected to be traveling on that road, and there was prior knowledge about their trip... so that prior knowledge must have originated from lebanon, which could indicates that whoever planned the kidnapping must have been a Lebanese organization/individuals ... 
    • The Leaks, and the stations (LBC, MTV, aljadeed) where those leaks came out had exactly the same pattern as in the case of Samaha,... , so whoever did the leaks on the Smaha affair must have been one and the same with whoever did the leaks and contradictory informations about the pilgrims
    • Whoever casted/created the Abou Brahim  (a la Abou Melhem) character must have been lebanese for many reasons, ... and it also must have been the same entity that casted the al-Asser character in Saida, ..., the trying to bring singers and journalists is one of the clues here...
    • ... many other
  • So, essentially, it is evident that the entity/brain that created/casted the Al-Asser character, or that created/casted the Abou Brahim character, or that did all the contradictory leaks on those TV Stations (which, i think are -i.e. those TV Stations- somehow linked to this, like aljadeed promoting and doing several interviews with the unknown personality Al-Asser...), and that did the contradictory leaks in the Samaha case is most probably one and the same... 

Turkey does kidnapping

Turkish intelligence was one of the entities that kidnapped 11 lebanese pilgrims ... legally? How can this be? a country (trying to become part of the european union) can just kidnap innocent people, put them across the border, in Syria where it's intelligence has complete control, and pretend that it has nothing to do with it... Essentially, Turkey is officially a terrorist country...

Monday, August 13, 2012

Free Yara

Yara al Saleh-Abbas a Syrian journalist who was heroically doing her job got kidnapped by the west supported, saudi arabia and qatar financed and equipped and turkish trained head chopping wahhabi terrorists.  

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Easy prediction: Bashar Al-Assad wins the battle for Halab

In the Tribal System : Tribe comes first, i.e before sect, country, or religion. The Al-Qaeda terrorists (so called Free Army) have messed  with a big tribe in the Halab area (The Berri tribe)... Major mistake... 

Creating a Wahhabi Frankenstein monster in Syria...

It seems Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, ... and other countries are trying to repeat the creation of the Afghanistan Wahhabi Frankenstein, which was created to fight the Soviet Union, and ultimately resulted in Al-Qaeda... this time in the heart of the middle east, i.e. in Syria.
The theory seems to be that this Wahhabi/Al-Qaeda/ Muslim Brotherhood Frankenstein(s) can be controlled once they are unleashed on Syria, and the Levant area, ... . The fact is that by its definition (i.e. an uncontrollable creature), this Wahhabi/Muslim Brotherhood creature cannot be controlled... and would ultimately result in the whole middle east becoming a giant Afghanistan...
The world has gone crazy...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Wahhabi preacher (financed by Bahia Al-Hariri as widely known) breaking car windows at will in Saida Lebanon

Wahhabi preacher Al-Assir (financed, controlled, and directed by Qatar and Saudi Arabia through Bahia Al-Hariri, shown above - as widely known) tries to start a sectarian war in Lebanon by cutting the road between Beirut and south Lebanon and having his Salafi Wahhabi extremist supporters break car windows whenever they like.
The name of the game is good cop (The Wahhabis wearing ties and suites like Al-Hariris, Al-Saud, Al-Thani, ...) and bad cop meaning the Takfiri Wahhhabi sheiks like Bin Laden, Al-AAroour,..., and Al-Asir their tool in Saida.

The fact is that the tie wearing and the beard wearing wahhabis are two faces of the same coin. They are the same...

Sunday, July 22, 2012

facts that do not add up...

  1. The US and the West in general is fighting Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan,Yemen, ...
  2. The US and the West is supporting AL-Qaeda in Syria, and previously in Libya... 
  3. Saudi Arabia and Qatar claim to be fighting Al-Qaeda while they are financing the same Al-Qaeda (that they claim they are fighting) in places like Syria, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, ...
  4. The War on Terrorism is against Al-Qaeda while the West protects client Wahhabi entities like Saudi Arabia and Qatar...
  5. Aljazeera tv of the entity of Qatar seems to always have the scoop on everything related to Al-Qaeda from bin laden speeches to al-qaeda news... how come? what is the real relationships between the Emir of Qatar who finances Aljazeera and Al-Qaeda?
  6. ... and many other facts that do not add up... 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Houla Hoaxsters

The Houla Hoaxsters
It was supposed to be another “Benghazi moment” – an incident so horrific that it would spark Western military intervention in Syria’s increasingly violent civil war. The massacre at Houla was reported to be just such a moment: Syria’s security forces stand accused of killing 32 children under ten years of age, and more than 60 adults, by bombing the rebel-held village of Houla. Photos of the massacre soon appeared on Twitter: and on YouTube, videos of the slaughter, uploaded by anonymous “activists,” appeared on cue. There was just one problem with this “evidence” of a massacre committed by the Syrian government – much of it was completely made up.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Some Questions on the Houla Massacre...and Beyond

Some Questions on the Houla Massacre...and Beyond

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Who is doing all the Al-Qaeda Wahhabi Terrorist suicide bombings in Syria?

An unbelievable leaked video of an auction for a suicide bomber against 
Syria! This takes place in a hotel conference room in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The atmosphere is festive, and the audience has children in it. But the merchandise auctioned is human flesh and blood!The video shows the father, abu-salah, attending the auction and offering his son Khaled as sacrifice.The father receives 1.5 million Riyals ($400,000) asfuture compensation for his son's demise in Syria. At one point in the video, the father is elated at the high bids.What kind of father sells his son? What kind of person pays to have a stranger blow himself up? These are questions that Saudi Arabia, Gulf Arab states, Obama, Hillary Clinton and Europeans must answer because of their support of these terrorists in Syria.

‘Houla Massacre’: How Media Manipulates Public Opinion For Regime Change in Syria

BBC Uses a 2003 Picture from Iraq to Incite War Against Syria

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Who are the so called freedom seekers in Syria?

The Al-Qaeda so called "Syrian Freedom Seekers" that the West, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey
 are supporting through financing, training, providing arms, and TV propaganda
PS: A lot of those jihadi so called "Syrian Freedom Seekers" are not even Syrians

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

petro-dollars and progress

  • It seems the petro-dollar is setting in motion a very bad chain of actions in the arab world and the world...  
  • The saudis are using that easily earned money to fund an otherwise unattractive and very backward religion, i.e. wahabi islam. without petro dollars that 7th century backward form of religion would not exist.
  • The problem also is that, those petro-dollars get invested/cycled through banks in the western world, and are also used to buy useless weaponry for a country that is practically still living in the 7th century... 
  • so, those beneficiary banks, and weapon making companies in the west have big stakes in preventing the saudi entity from changing and thus are indirectly contributing to the spread and financing of wahabism in the arab world and around the world...
  • why don't the west just take the oil and break this cycle since given the above scenario, ...  the oil has been a curse preventing the people of that part of the world from being forced to compete in a 21st century world and thus adapting and evolving from the 7th century world they are still living in and they are exporting ... thanks to the petro-dollars...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A critique of the Arab World & Culture [01]

In critiquing the Arab world i want to start with language, the Arabic language :
First let me start with some questions & i'll come back and try to answer them:
  • Why did Ataturk decide to switch alphabets when he started modernizing Turkey at the beginning of the 20th century, was there something disadvantageous in the Arabic alphabet?
  • Is simplicity of a language a good thing or a bad thing... so is English being a simple or "simpler" language to learn, to write,...  a good thing or a bad thing, versus  much more difficult languages like Arabic?
  • Why do kids in the Arab world spend so much time in language related  learning like Arabic syntax, grammar, ...?
  • What is a language, is it a means of communication, or more than that?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

ما هي الديموقراطية ؟

"الديموقراطية ليست الانتخابات حتى لو كانت نزيهة وحرة ووفق أحسن الأنظمة الانتخابية. الديموقراطية هي: حرية التعبير، حرية العقيدة الدينية والدنيوية، حرية الممارسة الاجتماعية، حرية التنظيم الحزبي والنقابي، حرية الاجتماع والتظاهر والاعتصام، حرية السلوك الفردي والخيار الثقافي، حرية الخيار الفكري، حرية الصحافة، حرية النقد على كل مستوى وفي كل اتجاه. وهي كلّها حريات ليست ممكنة إلا في دولة مدنية علمانية."