The questions that have to be asked are:
- Is this a naturally occurring phenomenon or is it a designer beast
- Are the dangers of this beast limited to the muslim and arabic speaking world or does it's danger extends to other parts of the world like to russia, china, and the western world.
- What does what is happening in syria, as far as the sudden appearance of all those home grown (other than the foreign jihadis) Wahhabis indicate to other parts of the world? i.e. could Saudi Arabia and Qatar be financing Wahhabi mosques and groups in other parts of the world? in the western world?
- How to neutralize and ultimately terminate this anti civilization beast
- Would this beast be able to survive without petro-dollars
- Can terminating this beast be done without deconstructing Islam and having current day practicing and believing muslims evolve beyond that religion
Unfortunately, the doors of ijtihad have been slammed shut a long time ago.